Wednesday, 26 October 2011


hello there!
I have neglected my business terribly in the last month, so no blog updates, very slack, but with good reason!
We rolled directly from major wedding work (Jo and Xavier's amazing wedfest! ) the first weekend in September (not to mention Ali's lovely pub garden wedding and Miles and Jennifer's wedding and Henrietta's party for Marco, all just before (an I'll timed, but lovely) two week holiday!
Then we had three days to pack, clean and move house! We moved back to Biddestone (lovely) about a month before the cottage was really liveable! So we have had an interesting few weeks. With some stress and much work it is finally feeling like home and at last I am ready to get my sewing machine out and start curtain making., yippee!
Another handicap work wise has been the death of my laptop! It has totally thrown me! The iPad is lovely...but! So I will make the giant leap to a mac (I think!) v scary. It will probably take me years to get used to.
But I have made some new friends and great contacts through my plans and purchases for the cottage....trying to source woven Kashmiri fabric to cover a sofa, I have met Sanjil who I think will help us with our research into having bespoke marquees made.
Purchasing rugs for the lounge, Wayne, while spraying stain protector on the carpet has said he can also waterproof my old marquees!
I have not been entirely neglectful to Vintage Marquees, I have made a small purchase of another 40 of the lovely old folding chairs. I am always adding to my stock, but our season's end has coincided with much work this year on the home front, so we need to have a major sort out of our storage unit and a major stock take too. I really have no idea how much of anything I have now!
Lots of work on the Web site planned too. (brace yourself Derek!) with a picture library of the hire items if we can make it happen!
So a huge thank you to John, David, Rodders and all the great uni boys who have helped us through the summer. It has been really hard work, but good fun too and we have met so many lovely people and worked at so many unique events.
Lots of bookings and enquiries already for next year, so looking forward to a dynamic 2012.
We have a new home phone number 01249716119, and of course the email address is always a good way to contact me.
Less waffle next time x

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